How to Write Argumentative Term Papers

Selecting an appropriate topic is the first step to writing an argumentative term paper. Make sure the topic you select is controversial. Once you have decided on an issue that is controversial you will need to write a thesis statement. Then, outline your paper and properly cite all sources.

Write a thesis statement

A thesis statement is essential for argumentative essays. A thesis statement informs readers what you’re writing about, and helps you to keep your essay focused. It can also help you to direct your argument.

For example, a thesis statement on climate change could state that it’s important to take action to combat the issue. This is a powerful statement. You must back up your claim with research paper writing help proof.

A thesis statement that opposes a widely accepted opinion is a different type of thesis statement. If you’re writing an argumentative essay about world hunger, you can say that there are multiple reasons for the problem. Instead of stating “World hunger is bad,” it would be more effective to say that there are numerous aspects to consider when dealing with the problem.

Pick a controversial topic

Selecting a topic for your argumentative term paper can be a daunting task. You’re trying to write about something interesting that will entice your readers but you do not want to waste your time with a boring subject. It can be enjoyable and exciting to use a controversial topic in your next essay. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your writing project.

Research is the best way to find controversial topics for your essay. There are thousands of things that happen every day so you ought to be able to select an area that will be a good fit.

It’s a good idea select a subject you’re passionate about. You can discuss the merits of the topic or an issue of legal or social significance. You don’t need to pick a hot-button subject like abortion or euthanasia.

Your thesis should be argued

Make sure that your thesis is logical when you are writing an argumentative essay. To convince your readers, you will need a strong argument. However, you don’t need to be a whiz in arguing. Make sure to write your essay without emotion.

First, determine the issue that is controversial. It is possible to debate and discuss issues that are controversial. It can be difficult to pick a topic because of the necessity to strike a balance between compelling evidence, and opposing views.

Once you have a subject in mind, you have to figure out the best way to develop your argument. For example, if you’re a football fan you may enjoy writing about concussions.

Instead of listing reasons to or against concussions, you should try to establish your position. For instance, you could claim that the issue isn’t so much the number of concussions but more the fact that a lot of sufferers are affected by them.

Properly cite sources

Proper citation is vital when you write a paper. This will ensure that you are credited for the unique contributions of other authors to your paper. You can cite sources in a number of ways, based on the type of source you’re citing.

You can refer to a source by writing the author’s name in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. Include the page number that indicates when the material you cite was first published in print sources. For Internet sources include the title of the website and the URL are also included.

Sometimes, you can skipping a citation in cases where the source is well-known. If the subject is highly controversial, it is essential to reference sources. It will help you distinguish your own ideas and opinions from the ideas of others.

Draw an outline of your paper

It is important to understand how to outline an argumentative paper. An outline can aid in organizing your thoughts prior to writing your paper. There are a few things to consider when creating an outline.

The first thing to note is that your outline should not be an exhaustive list of facts. It should include a strong thesis statement, reliable sources, bullet points and a few bulletpoints.

Graphic organizers make it simple to organize your ideas. A traditional essay outline can be used. If you’re writing about an extremely complex subject, however, you might have more trouble.

In a broad sense an outline is a plan for your paper. The outline can help you determine the order that your arguments must be presented.

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