Education Needs To Be Focus at Schools

A new school year starts this week in most of our counties. Students will be returning to classes. School districts have their buildings ready to go. Teachers are prepared and excited to meet new students and re-ignite the learning process.
That’s what school needs to be about — creating an atmosphere that encourages a love of learning, that opens students’ minds to new possibilities, that helps them to understand their role in a much larger world. Students and parents have a role to play, as do teachers. All the other nonsense that tends to get in the way inevitably leads the focus away from learning. And as the 2023-24 year kicks off, a focus on better educating students — on learning — needs to be the priority.
Consider: when it comes to academics, many of the high schools in our Upper Ohio Valley currently are not keeping pace with other schools around the state. A look through the recently release State Assessment results — the data used to track student achievement — shows a few high schools, notably Bridgeport High School in Harrison County and Morgantown High School, pulling away from the pack. The assessment data tracks proficiency in math, science and reading for 11th graders. Here are the results:
– Wheeling Park High School: Math, 24.9% proficient; reading, 53.1% proficient; science, 32.9% proficient.
– John Marshall High: math, 20.6% proficient; reading, 52.5% proficient; science, 31.1% proficient.
– Brooke High: math, 11.6% proficient; reading, 45% proficient; science, 20% proficient.
– Weir High: math, 16.5% proficient; reading, 48% proficient; and science, 24.4% proficient.
– Bridgeport High: math, 49.4% proficient; reading, 73.2% proficient; science, 48.9% proficient.
– Morgantown High: math, 45.2% proficient; reading, 67.2% proficient; science, 48.1% proficient.

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