What to do if your holiday travel plans hit unexpected turbulence

The end of the year is the busiest time for airports. Everyone is trying to make it home for the holidays and a lot can go wrong with flights.A week-long getaway to Nantucket became a travel nightmare for Robert Myers months before his flight even got off the ground.“There should be a better way than to just say ‘tough luck,’” Roberts said of his experience.In August, he booked a round trip JetBlue flight from Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) to Nantucket (ACK) for his October vacation. He booked it all with points. There was a layover in New York (JFK and LGA) each way. About a week later, he got an email from the airline to give them a call.
“They told me that [the return] flight from Nantucket to LaGuardia had been canceled,” Myers explained. “They said it was not rebookable because that was the only JetBlue flight leaving Nantucket that made a Fort Myers connection. So I said, ‘well, what are my options?’”

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