Study tips for those taking final exams

With final exams coming up beginning in a couple of days for students at Weyburn Comprehensive School, running January 25th to the 30th, we wanted to help them out with some tried-and-true study methods from members of the community.
While some already have their studying skills honed, some may be at a loss for ‘what works’ for them.
Jennifer Rae said finding out how you learn best, whether it be by hearing (auditory), reading (visual), doing (hands-on) or note-making/rewriting (self-instruction), your own learning style can even be a mix of all of these.
“Once you know what works for you, you can hack your exams and even your jobs!” she said.
Nicole Zahorodni recommends taking notes, and then highlighting the key points.
“Read through the material the day of,” she noted. “It’s how I’ve been achieving 90’s in my uni course.”
Shane McKnight echoes her: “I would take notes, then right after the class rewrite them more concisely. Then a couple of days before the test, rewrite them smaller and even more concise. Then I could look at them, and be able to expand them just with the prompt of the topic.”

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