Trump digs deeper hole with Constitution comments
|Former President Trump keeps digging a deeper hole for himself in just the first few weeks of his latest bid for the White House.
Trump, who last week drew condemnation from several high-profile conservatives for dining with a white nationalist, found himself in hot water again over the weekend when he claimed fresh talk of Twitter’s handling of a controversial story about Hunter Biden meant parts of the Constitution should be disregarded so he could return to the White House.
Some Republicans already viewed Trump skeptically after many of his hand-picked candidates in key Senate and gubernatorial races lost their elections last month. The latest controversies risk accelerating calls for the party to look elsewhere moving forward.
“If you’re one of these other people who’s interested [in] running this year, this is certainly an opportunity to create some contrast,” Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the second-ranking Senate Republican, said Monday, calling it “grist” for potential challengers.
An Economist-YouGov poll released last week showed Trump at 36 percent and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) at 30 percent in a potential GOP primary field, a fairly narrow margin for a former president.
Trump is less than a month into his 2024 bid for the White House, a campaign launched with his grip on the GOP at an ebb because of underwhelming midterm results. His most notable moments since launching the campaign have underscored the risks many Republicans see in nominating him for a third time.